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Saturday 21 January 2012

Mixed training

So since the 50 barrier was broken I've been a bit worried about pushing it further. The main issue is time. At 10 mph as an average it is going to be difficult to commit to rides longer than that really. So I have just been trying to do as much as I can but have 2 rest days per week. At the moment I am trying to get to the gym in the week after work (when I finish early enough). Or during the longer gaps in teh middle of the day if we are light on ops.
I am concentrating on time rather than distance. DA reckon thet 1 hour in the gym is worth 2 on the road. So I and doing up to 100 minutes a time on the bike at the gym. (Time in the saddle and the resultant physical effects will be the biggest challenge.) Helps when there's an England test match on Sky sports! This is anything up to 40Km at a time. I am reckoning that with the drinks stops and things we are not going to be doing much more than 30miles in a stint.
I have been reading lots of LEJOG diaries from those that have gone before. Their accounts the hills of Cornwall and then Devon are scaring me a bit, so tomorrow it's hill training.
Living where I do at the top of one, I have little choice than to include hills. I friend suggested the other day that instead of going 25 miles from home, (and potentially getting stranded and firing a flare) I should do laps. So I have worked out a 10 mile circular route which includes a couple of particularly nasty hills.
Tomorrow I am going to attempt 4-5 laps. At least if I struggle or run out of fuel I will never be any more than 4 miles from home. We'll see. Have to say not looking forward to it.

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