Meet the team and follow our progress as we train for the ride...

Monday 1 August 2011

Meet the team - Adam

Hi, I live in Edinburgh, work in Livingston, sold my car in April, (hence ecologically, I must be as benign as Felix) and I pride myself on trying anything - including running a vet practice & cycling long distances for 12 days running in May 2012, even if it means spending time with Cormac!

I will leave some detailed info, in time, of my ongoing "training", but so far, in summary, on average I'm doing 100-200miles per week, as when the weather is nice, it seems irresistible to the masochist in me to not cycle the 17miles home from work - whether I leave at 7pm, or 10.45pm (as I did on Tuesday after a stone-eating Border Collie decided to vomit for a day - the 3rd time she has done this!). It takes me anything from 1hr to 1hr20mins on my mountain bike, about 57mins to 1hr 5mins on my racer, and oddly, as little as 50mins on my newly acquired hydbrid, so guess which bike I'm doing the 1000miles with? You're correct - the most comfortable one - not sure which one this is yet...

I weigh 92Kg, but despite the last 6-8 weeks (lost track of time since the weather made cycling more appealing) of training, the only time I have temporarily managed to lose weight was to 91Kg after cycling 71miles in 4hrs 10mins on a very sunny Sunday.

My plan is to increase the number of these longer cycles on consecutive days to at least 4, not sure when I'll achieve this for the first time. My polar watch (and heart monitor) tell me I have a resting heart rate (when reading emails of a non-stressful nature) of 49bpm. Not the fittest I've been, but it'll do for now.

I'll add some photos once I work out how, but for now, I'd better let Maggie (Border Collie) and Billy (rescue greyhound) out for their midnight jaunt around the garden.

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