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Wednesday 3 August 2011

Oh Boy

Well following the successful test ride to the surgery on saturday I decided to cycle in today as I finish at 5 today (or am supposed to!).

However I had forgotten that our new springer puppy Rumer arrived home yesterday. Having stayed up as late as possible with her to try to get her to sleep through the night she went to bed around 11.30. However she decided she neded to go out for a wee at 4am. She cried and told us...good girl. However once we have had a wee, we are awake again, and have a strop when put back to bed. Following 15 solid minutes of howling (despite being Adaptilled up) she finally went back to sleep.

I had planned to leave at about 7 anyway, but she was up at 6.30. So whilst Vicky entertained and fed Rumer, I got my stuff together and left. However whilst worrying about falling asleep on the bike and disappearing under a truck, I had forgotten my keys. Well who needs keys if you're not driving right?

So on arriving at the gym up the road from the surgery, where I had planned a nice relaxing swim, sauna and shower before changing into work gear and pootling the last mile or so to work to avoid getting icky again, I discover an inability to lock up the bike. Now as nice as the residents of Eastbourne are and the members at the gym belonging to a certain dragon who's name begins with B are, I am paranoid. So I rush in shower and change. I get to work... No key.

Eventually Lisa my nurse arrives and lets me in. We go to get the cahs from the key.

I have one and Alison my morning receptionist has one. Alison is off today. Ooops. Had to phone her to get key.

So the cycle was actually the easy bit. By the end of today that's 46 miles for the week. Not bad for a fat chap who hasn't cycled since he wanted to be in BMX bandits.

I suspect the miles done will far outweight the hours slept too....thanks Rumer pup......zzzzzzzz

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